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Healthy Me, Healthy We was a randomized, controlled research project using social marketing strategies initiated in the child care center to promote adoption of physical activity and healthy eating behaviors by preschool children and their adult caregivers.

PURPOSE: This project evaluated a 7-month social marketing campaign designed to encourage and support physical activity and healthy eating habits in children attending child care. The primary outcomes were non-sedentary time measured via accelerometry and diet quality assessed using the Healthy Eating Index.

Family Enjoying Meal At Home

PROGRAM:  From 2015-2017, centers used the Healthy Me, Healthy We program, which launched with a tailored Kick-off Event including a banner, posters, and song. During the event, teachers, children, and families signed the Healthy We Promise and committed to taking a “Just Try It” approach to being more physically active and eating healthier. Over the next 6 months, centers rolled out of four units, each with a slightly different theme about healthy eating and physical activity. Each unit lasted six weeks. To help with each unit, teachers received a Unit-Themed Poster and Activity Cue Cars to lead two activities per week for 4–6 weeks. A teacher resource binder and resource box included all materials needed to carry out the classroom activities. Families received at-home activity versions in the Healthy We Family Guide which, along with the activities, included entertaining education material for adults.

REACH:  Healthy Me, Healthy We enrolled 92 centers and over 800 3–4 year old child/parent dyads across North Carolina. Primary outcomes included children’s full-day diet quality and physical activity. Secondary Outcomes included child body mass index, caregivers’ feeding and physical activity practices, and center nutrition and physical activity environment.


National Institutes of Health – HL120969


Regan Burney, PhD – Project Manager
Rachel M. Bartlett, MS, RD – Interventionist

To learn more about Healthy Me, Healthy We, please email us at