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Go NAPSACC (Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care) is a suite of online tools that help child care providers improve the health of young children through practices, policies, and environments that instill habits supporting life-long health and well-being. Go NAPSACC is an update and expansion of NAPSACC, a policy and environmental intervention that is highly regarded within the public health community and used by many states to support healthy eating and physical activity in young children. It is used by technical assistance professionals to support obesity prevention practices in early care and education (ECE) programs.

PURPOSE:  Go NAPSACC provides online tools to support our 5-step quality improvement model. Using our tools, ECE programs assess their current practices, set goals for improvement, and access educational resources to help them meet those goals. With support from Go NAPSACC and, when possible, technical assistance professionals, ECE programs strive to implement best practices related to their provisions, practices, and policies in child nutrition, breastfeeding & infant feeding, infant & child physical activity, outdoor play & learning, and/or screen time.

REACH:  Go NAPSACC is freely available to all ECE programs in North Carolina. It has been used by over 260 ECE programs in 44 North Carolina counties. Additionally, Go NAPSACC is available for membership to any state agency or state-wide non-profit organization in providing ECE programs access to the site. Go NAPSACC is currently in 22 states. Click here to take a look at your Go NAPSACC state.

The original NAPSACC program has been used or adapted for use in over 30 states as well as Canada and the United Kingdom.


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina


Falon Smith, MS, PhD – Project Manager

Aviva Starr, MSW –  Implementation Advisor

Emmy Clarke, RD –  Implementation Advisor

Richard M. Rairigh, MS – Physical Activity Educational Advisor

Ian Coleman, MCS – Web Developer

Michelle Herr, MPH – Training and Content Development Lead

Aditi Saha, BS – Research Assistant


To learn more about Go NAPSACC please visit or email us at