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Better Together engages both ECE programs and statewide partners to change and enable ECE environments to effectively promote and sustain optimal physical, social, and emotional health for current and future low-income children birth to five.  Our two-pronged approach works at both the facility level (e.g. reaching staff, children, and families through the ECE providers that are part of Better Together) and at the systems level (e.g. policy approaches with statewide impact).

PURPOSE:. The goal of Better Together was to instill healthy eating and physical activity habits early in life through program level and system level improvements targeting ECE settings in low-income communities in Arizona, Arkansas and Mississippi.

PROGRAMS: Along with learning collaboratives, Go NAPSACC was a core element of the work done with ECE programs.  We also utilized the EPAO to measure impact of the Better Together initiative.



David Yates, MBA – Project Manager

Aviva Starr, MSW – Implementation Advisor

Emily Alexander, BS – Research Assistant


To learn more about Better Together, please email us at